十二星座情人節禮物1.ARIES: Aries loves a challenge, so a gift certificate for sky-diving lessons or some other daring endeavor would thrill the Ram。
十二星座情人節禮物2.TAURUS: Keenly tuned in to all five senses, Taurus appreciates things like bath salts and scented candles。
十二星座情人節禮物3.GEMINI: Geminis are avid readers, so almost any book will keep them busy -- but don't make it too long or turgid a read, since this Sign loses interest quickly。
十二星座情人節禮物4.CANCER: Keep in mind that Cancers can be sensitive to the elements and to the general chaos of life; something like a soothing eye mask or a trip to a day spa would really touch your Cancer friend's heart。
十二星座情人節禮物5.LEO: Leo can be vain, so a gift that reflects that dramatic personality and stunning physical beauty goes over best: Try jewelry, clothes or tickets to the theatre。
十二星座情人節禮物6.VIRGO: A fresh, clean day planner for the coming year and a quality pen。
十二星座情人節禮物7.LIBRA: Libras like to feel like they live a refined, sophisticated life, so season tickets to the symphony or the ballet fulfills their yen for culture。
十二星座情人節禮物8.SCORPIO: Scentual Scorpios really appreciate perfumes or colognes。
十二星座情人節禮物9.SAGITTARIUS: No one goes all googly in the presence of a cute, cuddly puppy like the normally proud Sagittarius。
十二星座情人節禮物10.CAPRICORN: Known to be a bit conservative and reserved, you can thaw the cold Capricorn heart with an antique watch or a special family heirloom。
十二星座情人節禮物11.AQUARIUS: A charity donation made in their name。
十二星座情人節禮物12.PISCES: Dreamy Pisces loves getting lost in the haze, so an aromatherapy candle and some beautiful hand-picked flowers will help to set the mood。
12句英文範例~~提供給各位網友,挑選男女朋友的情人節禮物時能有個參考喔~也祝福大家能過個甜蜜的情人節^_^~當然~也不要忘記跟小依一起練英文唷~歐美五週年慶,報名多益現賺 4000元 ~
資料來源:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!MtYRGlaeERy.SMI 9g MA./article?mid=768&prev=783&next=761&l=f&fid=35